
Backblazerecentlypublishedtheiryearlystatsforharddrivefailuresfor2017....failurerateofmorethan3%.FormorestatsfromBackblaze ...,Period:April2013–March31,2017.◇Drivesused:95,054.◇Numberoffailures:5,674.◇Drivedays(alldrives):62,147,829.◇Atfirstglance.◇5.97%of ...,Theharddrivefailurerateforthequarterwas1.84%,ourlowestquarterlyrateever.Thereareseveralfactorsthatcontributetothis,but ...,TheHGST/Hita...

Backblaze Hard Drive Stats for 2017

Backblaze recently published their yearly stats for hard drive failures for 2017. ... failure rate of more than 3%. For more stats from Backblaze ...

[PDF] MSST 2017 Behind the Curtain of Backblaze Hard Drive Stats

Period: April 2013 – March 31, 2017. ◇ Drives used: 95,054. ◇ Number of failures: 5,674. ◇ Drive days (all drives): 62,147,829. ◇ At first glance. ◇ 5.97% of ...

Hard Drive Stats for Q3 2017

The hard drive failure rate for the quarter was 1.84%, our lowest quarterly rate ever. There are several factors that contribute to this, but ...

Backblaze Hard Drive Stats for 2017

The HGST/Hitachi 4 TB models delivered sub 1.0% failure rates for each of the three years. Amazing. A Few More Numbers. To save you countless ...

Backblaze reports Q3 2017 HDD Failure results

The hard drive failure rate for the quarter was 1.84%, our lowest quarterly rate ever. · The 10- and 12 TB drive models are new.

Backblaze has revealed 2017 Hard Drive reliability stats

In 2017, Backblaze collected results for 91,243 drives, with a failure rate of 1.83 percent across the entire range. Digging deeper, we can see ...

Backblaze Releases Hard Drive Stats for 2017, HGST Most Reliable

If a drive model has a failure rate of 0%, it means there were no drive failures of that model during Q4 2017. There were 62 drives (91,305 ...

Backblaze's Q417 HDD Reliability Report

“Annualized Failure Rate” (AFR) is “Drive Failures” divided by “Drive Days” (converted to years) and it's Backblaze's chosen metric for drive ...